Spring: The season of new beginnings and cleaning
There is a freshness and gift to new beginnings. Traditionally we do this on the 1st day of the new year. But seasonally, spring is the time of vibrant abundance and a lightness of spirit. Who doesn't feel better when the sun shines, the birds start singing and the flowers begin to bloom?
If you are feeling stuck, fatigued or bogged down with life, consider cleaning to be a solid solution. Both in space clearing and feng shui the process of cleaning and de-cluttering is an essential and fundamental part of creating a new and prosperous flow in your life.
Cleaning not only makes you feel good but it is truly good medicine for your spirit. For me, after 23 years of professional cleaning, there is not one ounce of doubt about the power of cleaning. Cleaning, deep and especially mindful cleaning, gives you energy! You have probably experienced this after we have cleaned for you, or even after you do a deep cleaning to your refrigerator or closet. When the cleaning is done, your breath is deeper, richer and more expansive. Ideas come quicker, you feel lighter and the weight of the world seems to lift a bit.
This season, start again. Clean out your home, your darkest and most cluttered areas. Look to your forgotten spaces and those spaces that nag at you or are ever present on your to-do list. Clean out your procrastinations. Physically clean something like your shower or garage. Now, write out your wishes and set your new intentions for the new year.
Use the gift of cleaning and spring as a jump start your health and life's abundance. This seasonal practice will pay in joyful dividends all year long!
Wishing you a happy, healthy and most prosperous spring season!!
Denise Frakes