Practice Compassion as you Clear your Clutter
In a perfect world nothing would ever side track our lives. We would always have an abundance of energy, time and support. Our focus would be clear, simple and direct. Our hearts open and light. And of course joy would bubble up from our core...however...
In the real world, our lives take unexpected turns. We travel down paths without maps. When life happens, we do the best we can. Sometimes our home's upkeep falls off. Sometimes our own upkeep falls off...
If your life got a bit off course, be kind to yourself. And if you know someone whose life isn't perfect... be kind to them too.
It it's easy to think what we would do if x, y or z happens, but until you experience life dead on, we don't know. Every story has … the rest of the story.
If you are feeling overwhelmed are not alone. You have kindred spirits all over this country feeling the same as you. Storage units are popping up everywhere for a reason.
Uncluttering gives you your life back. It gives you energy, hope and space to breathe. It is a type of non-therapy- therapy. As you sort, simplify and un-muddle your stuff, you rediscover and discover your life. Uncluttering is powerful.
Compassionate uncluttering
2. Get professional help. I can't stress this enough. Getting unstuck is a million times easier, faster and more enjoyable with compassionate, energetic and supportive help. Professional help, the compassionate kind, works with you from an unjudgmental space- cheering you forward. When I work with my client's I think of myself more as a guide.
3. Create focus. Work in time blocks. Be focused for 45 minutes take 5 minutes to refresh and reboot. Clutter muddles our thoughts. To un-muddle we need clarity. Work in clear blocks in specific spaces. Stay focused and well hydrated!!
4. Be consistent and persistent in your uncluttering. When you are making steady progress you will continue to gain energy and your habits and skills will improve. Progress empowers you forward and naturally reduces stress. Schedule time, set an appointment with your coach or help.
5. Use your words wisely Listen to yourself. What words are you using? What metaphors are you creating? Words are powerful. Use words that empower, support, appreciate you and appreciate the winding life you have led. Talk to yourself, like you would talk to a dear friend.
Our homes are shields that protect us. Make your shield kind and compassionate. Create a home where you feel loved and supported. A space where you can open the door and feel nourished. A space to invite in kindred spirits for a cup of tea and a good chat.
A magical being isn't going to blink away your clutter...but as you clean it away uncluttering becomes a magical experience.
Travel kindly, Denise Frakes
Life and Home Coach
Get support as you create a space and home you love!!
May's Classes by yours truly;-)
Residue Free Cleaning Class May 16th at Marlene's in Federal Way. Sign up here
Create a Wabi Sabi Home Class May 28th at the Federal Way Naturopathy Sign up here