Happlily Uncluttered

  Hello and welcome.  If you find yourself reading this page, there is a chance you are experiencing the weight of "stuff" or you know someone who is struggling with their excess "stuff".

 No worries, I can help you. My name is Denise Frakes. I'm a life coach, residue free cleaning and living specialist, healthy home specialist and co-owner of Blue Sky Services.

   I have been professionally helping people clean our their clutter, up their cleaning skills and downsize and de-stress their lives for years.  It can be done and the process is actually joyful.  Yup, you heard it right joyful.

    When I was in college I had a running coach.  He helped me get stronger, more confident and successful.  I was always a better runner when I had a coach supporting and cheering me on.  This is why I became a life coach- because I know how valuable it is to have someone in your corner- challenging you forward but also patting you on the back and celebrating your victories with you.

    My goal in clutter clearing and residue free homes, is to help you discover what you love, what lights you up and gives you energy.  To find and keep the useful and the used.  To let go of what depletes, weighs you down, diminishes your spirit and exhausts you.  To help you keep moving forward and get your life flowing again.

Clutter clearing is the process of discovering.  As we clean you will find long lost treasures.  You will start breathing a little deeper.  And your life gets to start flowing again.

What is downsizing?
    Downsizing is reduction.  Overtime we build up an excess of things.  It becomes too much.  Maybe it's time to move into a smaller home or just let go.  I can help make this process easier and more efficient - even fun!  My focus is two fold- discovering what no longer serves you, what weighs you down, and what depletes your energy.  Secondly, we discover what you love now, what you use, what brings a sparkle to your eyes. 

 What is clutter? 
    Clutter is something we all get from time to time.  It is that build up of excess, the too much, the ties from our past, lost dreams, piles of books, boxes of pictures, scattered around our home.  It is the feeling of overwhelm, that heavy tiring feeling of being stuck.

    Clutter is stuck energy.  It is the spaces in your home you rarely tread- they don't feel good.  It is the places of too much, things you don't like but hold onto for emotional reasons,  It is the spaces that don't make sense- disorganized, over stuffed and smooshed together.  Clutter is also the things that never get used or moved. Clutter is also those pesky little undone projects, the wasted energies that call your name over and over again.

What is Clutter Clearing?
     Clutter clearing is the process of discovering what you love, what makes your eyes sparkle.  It is also the process of letting go of what depletes, diminishes and depresses you.  The process of cleaning out your life is incredibly uplifting to your spirit.
     The hardest part of clutter clearing is getting started.  The more you do the easier it gets!  The second challenge is in keeping going.  This is where I come in as your coach- helping you every step of the way. 

What is Thriving Space?
    Thriving Space is breathing room for your spirit.  I think of thriving space as a garden.  A garden that is nurtured, cared for and thoughtfully created will thrive.  This garden will produce beauty and abundance, it will be healthy and vibrant.  A garden neglected, stressed and overrun will whither, weeds will choke out the intended plants, those plants will become stressed and susceptible to illness and disease.  We are like the plants in our garden.  Our gardens are like our homes.

    If you have any questions and are ready to get started - give me a call at 253-278-1082 or email me at dfbluesky@yahoo.com

If you want to get to know me a bit before meeting me, please feel free to read my blogs.  My ounce of prevention blog has been going since 2009 and my Residue Free Living Blog has been around almost the same time.  By reading my writings and ponderings you will get a pretty good since of who I am.  As we work in your home, we work as a team so it is valuable to feel at ease with me.   If my words, blogs and ponderings resonate with you, we will get along just fine.   Kindred spirits get more done than advisories I can assure you!!

Looking forward to working with you!


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