Thursday, August 13, 2015

Happy shoes and the present moment

    Have you ever heard the saying "you are a reflection of your home"?  Today, while cleaning my own home, I got to pondering this idea.

    In the real world our homes aren't always exactly how we would prefer.  Life happens.  The last few weeks my schedule has been a whirl wind of activities.  Today, as I  cleaned and pondered, I decided our homes are not who we are but where we are at the present moment.

    Doesn't where you are at this moment sound better than who you are as a person?  Our homes give us a glimpse into where our life is right now.  They are not - not -not who we are!  And thank heavens for that!

    When I get a bit overbooked I can tell I'm over extended by looking at the bottom of my shoe closet.  When I'm centered and not too rushed I put my shoes down toes facing out.  When I'm running around fast and furiously my shoes look they are still running in the closet.

    If you look around and see happy shoes, smile and say thanks.  And if you look around your home and see piles of dirty dishes, stacks of books and dust bunnies.  Take a deep breathe and know this is just a moment in time.

   Yesterday, I had the pleasure of presenting at the 2015 Pierce Country Cancer Survivorship Conference.  I presented two classes one on simple/natural cleaning and one on clutter clearing to create flow.  Today I organized my shoes and wrangled up my dust bunnies

   Thank you for everyone who attended the conference and joined my presentations!  Thanks to all the zillion hours all the volunteers put in creating this conference.  Thanks to the University of Puget Sound who hosted this event ( and I think for free)   May your lives continue to flow and may you find happy shoes in your closet!!

As always, wishing you all a happy and healthy home!

 (On a side note, I finthe deeper I clean the wiser I become- nice bonus to a clean toilet don't you think???)

1 comment:

  1. my car get overloaded with clutter. First sign I am not in a balanced place!
