"I know some very old people who have hearts full of roguery, devilment, and fun; there is a sparkle in their presence. When you meet them, you have a sense of light, lightness and gaiety. Sometimes in very old bodies there are incredibly young wild souls looking out at you."
Anam Cara by John O'Donohue Pg 187-188
Left uncared for, life chores will wear on our spirits and vitality. Think about it cleaning & cooking every day, every week for the next 60 years... The doer of these quiet chores is going to need a little love. If not cared for homes feel neglected, clutter builds. The caretaker heavy sighs and hangs their shoulders.
My grandma Lois was uncommonly wise in her household chores. She hired what she could, simplified the rest. She had grandpa do the outside work and grocery shopping. Her work was rhythmic- Saturday was laundry, dinner dishes were done and kitchen put to bed each night. As far as I know, she mostly woke up to a clean and tidy kitchen. On Friday and Saturday nights, she took a breather and had my grandpa take her out to dinner. Sunday night was called chef's night off. Dinner was always popcorn and apples.
I remember visiting her when she was in her 90s. There were chores I wanted to help her with. She said, "let them wait, they will still be here tomorrow, I would rather spend time with you now."
Does clutter builds because we are just tired of fiddling with our stuff?
House Cleaning/Chore Burnout is real and more common than you think
Life burnout isn't just from your job... It comes from life. Residue free living is cultivating habits and actions that keep your spirit joyful throughout your entire life. So at the end of our life, when there are still bills to be paid, toilets to clean and meals to be created... our spirits will still shine, our laughter light and bubbling, ours hearts is still open and full of joy. This is what residue free living is. It is the process of renewal of our mind, body, and spirit through life- no matter what the weather and what year of cleaning you are on. Residue free is learning skills and habits that will make your work easier, more productive and more delightful.
This month I challenge you to lighten up your chores, your clutter. Delegate what you can, hire help, reduce work, share work and let go of what is weighing you down. Schedule days off. Schedule play. Add in splashes of color, delight, fresh flowers, curiosities and surprises for the spirit.
residue free living
"I know some very old people who have hearts full of roguery, devilment, and fun;
there is a sparkle in their presence.
When you meet them, you have a sense of light, lightness and gaiety.
Sometimes in very old bodies there are incredibly young wild souls looking out at you."
Anam Cara by John O'Donohue Pg 187-188Happy Travels,
Denise- Residue free coach of home and life
There is not time life the present to change our future